Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Trouble in Paradise?

Break ups. They suck. Sometimes though, they need to happen. I have seen many people suffer through awful relationships solely because they don't want to break up. When I ask them why, I get a number of ridiculous excuses;

1. "I don't want to hurt her"
You can only hide the fact that you don't want to be in this relationship for so long. This person is going to be hurt eventually, the longer you draw this charade out the more hurt they will be.

2."We've had so many good times in the past"
Unfortunately the past in an inaccessible time zone. If you don't think your future is bright together get out because you're wasting both their time and yours.

3."He's a great guy "
Well that's great, good for him. If you're not happy, he's not for you. Let him be a great guy to someone that he does make happy. 

These are just a few examples. Obviously every relationship is different, but for the love of God, use some common sense, if you're unhappy its time for a change. Hope this was mildly helpful to someone somewhere. If you have any questions or comments please let me know I love to hear your feed back. 

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